
How to draw
How to draw

how to draw
  1. #How to draw how to#
  2. #How to draw series#

It’s at this point, when you begin to ‘draw from memory’ – similar to how you would play a musical instrument ‘without even thinking about it’… After lots and lots of practice! … Something else I’d like to point out – just because I use frameworks here on the site – doesn’t mean you *have to use them* – OR – that it’s absolutely necessary. The more you practice and repeat, the more familiar you will become with the various patterns of shapes and lines involved in whatever it is that you’re drawing – and eventually… The less you’ll need to make use of a framework. Not only does a framework aid in keeping a drawing ‘looking the way it’s supposed to’… but also… It helps to maintain proportion so that you can put more focus on the creative ‘left brain’ aspect of things.

#How to draw series#

So yes, a series of simple shapes – arranged in a particular way… Act as the framework in most of the online drawing lessons you’ll find here on the site. And similar to the way our bones are the frameworks of our bodies, and how steel beams are the frameworks of buildings… Simple shapes can be arranged ahead of time, as they help us visualize what it is we’re drawing. Truly, everything we draw – can be broken down into a series of simple, ‘easy to recognize’ shapes. I like to begin each lesson by encouraging you to draw, what I like to call – a framework. Enjoy the process – but keep pushing forward 🙂 5. Have the end goal in mind (exiting the forest) – but don’t forget to enjoy all that beautiful nature along the way. Or maybe even like walking through a forest. In a sense, it’s sort of like “the light at the end of the tunnel”. – that you may want to focus on, to complete the task at hand. Still… By seeing this final version – before you even begin… You’ll have a better sense of what sorts of shape, structure, color, etc. I’d rather you be creative, and come up with your own unique drawings. And no… It’s not to say – that you must create *exactly* that picture, that you see. Often, when you first look at the end goal – it sort *cements* and idea in mind – something that you can strive to accomplish. In this way… You’ll have a better understanding of the step by step process, and it will be much easier for you to progress from start to finish. I did this so that you have a clear goal before-hand, of exactly what it is you’ll be doing.

how to draw

You’ll notice I’ve divided the drawing lessons up into three categories – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

how to draw

So while you’re browsing & working away, know that there are no hidden costs of any kind. Drawing is my passion, and so is helping others (that’s you!) learn and improve at their craft. Please know that all of the lessons here on the site are completely free. Click on one of the following links, and you’ll be taken further on down the page to learn more…

#How to draw how to#

And on that note… Here are a few things to keep in mind about learning how to draw, and the cartoon drawing lessons here on this site – before you start drawing. So hopefully, I can offer some new tips and tricks along the way. In short, we’re learning how to draw as long and as much as we can – and also… are paying it forward – helping and teaching others what we’ve learned so far. We all have lots to learn – and through the learning process… we also all have lots to teach. Which of course – is forever… A lifelong pursuit 🙂 Of course, even if you already see yourself at a higher level of ability – that’s great too. If you really love what you’re doing – it’s much easier to keep at it, practicing and repeating for as long as it takes. We’re all at different levels, and at the end of the day – it all comes down to passion… to loving what you’re doing. And what a great place to do it – here on the Internet! So then… Is this your first time learning how to draw? Is so, please don’t sweat it. Drawing is such a passion for me – it’s one of my favorite things in the world… not just doing it… but sharing and teaching it to others like yourself.

How to draw